Frontal arousal rhythm

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  • Trains of 7- 10Hz monomorphic, symmetrical waveforms
  • Duration: <20sec
  • Localisation: Frontal regions.
  • Occurs in children following arousal from sleep
  • Disappears once child is fully awake
  • NOT to be confused with frontal arousal rhythm in the theta range described by Hughes:
    • Hughes JR. Daaboul Y. The frontal arousal rhythm. Clinical Electroencephalography 1999;30(1):16-20

Frontal arousal rhythm: period of 7-10 Hz rhythm in the frontal regions (average) Frontal arousal rhythm (average) eegpedia.png

Frontal arousal rhythm in a 4 years old boy: train of 7-10 Hz rhythm in the frontal regions Frontal arousal rhythm, boy 4 years old eegpedia.png