Benign childhood Epilepsy with CentroTemporal Spikes (=BECTS) or Rolandic epilepsy
From EEGpedia
- Around 15% of all childhood epilepsy
- Mean debute of seizure at 7 years of age, with a spread 3-13 year. Stops at adolescence.
- Seizures are usually low frequented, with 10-15% having only one seizure
- Development is normal.
- Oropharyngeal motor seizures in 50%
- Hypersalivation
- Anarthria
- Sometimes Jacksonian march up to generalized tonic clonic seizures/ status epilepticus.
- Most frequent in sleap/ early morning.
- Triggered by deprivation of sleep
- Preferably EEG during sleep.
- Centrotemporal Spike slow wave complex, unilateral or bilateral, with high amplitudes.
Rolandic epilepsy in a 7 year old girl, with centrotemporal spike wave complexes (average)
Author: Bas Jongbloed, MD, neurology resident, ETZ, Tilburg